Bell Bay Wind Farm

Tasmania, Australia
On track: Due 2029
Equis is developing up to 224MW of wind power generation capacity near George Town to support future industry and manufacturing.

On track

Project Schedule
Planning and design
Project approvals
Construction commencing

On track

Project Schedule

The proposed Bell Bay Wind Farm is located approximately 6km northeast of the township of George Town, Port of Bell Bay and Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone.

This project intends to connect to Tasmania's electricity network via a transmission line connecting to the existing 220 kV George Town Substation. It is expected to commence operations by 2029.

The Bell Bay Wind Farm will convert Tasmania’s high quality wind resource into reliable and clean power for future generations and industry.

Putting downward pressure on electricity prices for Victorians

Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub will store renewable energy for use in Melbourne when it is needed and also absorb excess roof-top solar from Victorian homes as it flows back into the transmission grid.

The project is designed with innovative inverter technology to support the transmission grid's voltage and frequency, and replace 'system inertia' that is lost when coal and gas fired power stations retire over the next decade.






Planning and Environment Approvals

On 31 July 2024, Bell Bay Wind Farm was successfully declared a Major Project under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (Tas). We will continue to keep you updated through our information sessions and newsletters, however you can also track our progress on the Tasmanian Planning Commission website here.

On 5 August 2024, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water determined the proposed development as a Controlled Action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). You can track our progress on the EPBC public portal here.

Tasmanian Planning Commission website

EPBC public portal

Construction Jobs
Operational Jobs
Serviced households / year

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Contact us

Should you have any comments or feedback on the proposed BESS please feel free to contact us below through our Engagement Hub.

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